Indicators of Student Achievement and Quality Programming - IU13
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Indicators of Student Achievement and Quality Programming

Indicators of Student Achievement and Quality Programming 2019-20Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (IU13) is committed to providing outstanding programming and professional development designed to improve student achievement. These services are provided through instruction to students in classes taught by IU13 staff and support provided by IU13 consultants that is designed to improve the skills of the educators that work with students.

As part of its ongoing commitment to continuous improvement, IU13 has developed a data collection system that will be used to identify, gather, and reflect on key areas of student learning and the impact of IU13 programming and services. Identified indicators include multiple types of information such as demographic, perceptual, and achievement/student learning data that have been selected to provide the most complete representation of the impact of IU13 services.

Information was gathered from those programs that provide direct instruction to students (Early Childhood, Special Education Services, Adult Education, and Nonpublic Services) or offer professional development for educators responsible for teaching students in districts or IU13-operated classes (Curriculum and Instruction Services).

Explore highlights by program type:

Early Childhood Programs infographic School Age Programs Community Education infographic Nonpublic School Services infographic Teaching and Learning Collaborative Infographic Promising Practices infographic

Previous Indicators of Student Achievement and Quality Programming Reports: