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A career in education is an investment in the future.

Make a difference in the life of a student. Join the IU13 team and become part of an organization dedicated to providing outstanding service to all learners from preschool to adult.

IU13 offers a diverse selection of employment opportunities for exceptional individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of others. IU13 employees provide direct student services in many roles including teachers, paraeducators, therapists, and reading specialists.

The variety of programs for preschool and school-age children provided by IU13 include: Early Intervention, Lebanon County Head Start, Emotional Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, Autistic Support, Life Skills Support, Visually Impaired Support, Hearing Impaired Support, School to Work, Speech and Language Therapy, Nonpublic School Services, and Physical and Occupational Therapy.

In addition, Community Education Instructors teach HSE/GED, basic education, and English as a second language (ESL) classes to adult students.

Plus, our school districts benefit from programs such as collaborative purchasing that are coordinated by our Business Services staff and the Technology Services Department provides customers with innovative technology solutions. In addition, we rely on individuals serving in numerous administrative, administrative support, building maintenance, and safety positions to maintain and support all of our products and services.

For more information, please call 717-947-1100 or email humanresources@iu13.org.

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