Student Activities (Special Education)
Proms, Transition Fairs, Athletic and Academic Challenges – IU13 understands the importance of these events to round out every child’s educational experiences.
IU13 coordinates a variety of special events for special education students. This following list does not include specific trainings, seminars or conferences for students.
Transition Fair for Students with Disabilities
Planning for college is an exciting time for students and parents. Students with disabilities have additional items to consider when selecting a field of study, postsecondary institution, and living arrangements. IU13 helps these families by providing the Transition Fair for Students with Disabilities. The annual event provides a setting for students and parents to meet with colleges and support agencies.
Adventure Challenge Training Course
Trust and Teamwork – that’s the goal of the Adventure Challenge Training Course. The program offers a low ropes course designed to enhance learning experiences, and to develop communication skills. By participating in these activities, students and staff develop a sense of trust, teamwork, and community. IU13 staff members are trained to facilitate the briefing and debriefing of the challenges and to focus on communication and problem-solving skills. Adventure challenge experiences hold important lessons that can be applied to challenges students face in the classroom, on a job and/or at home.
Partnership Appreciation Luncheon
The IU13 Job Training Services Program holds an annual luncheon to recognize local employers who participate in the program.
IU13 Prom
The Prom is an annual event held in the spring of each year. Students from the secondary-age IU13 classes for Life Skills Support, Autistic Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, Physical Support, Basic Occupational Skills, and School-to-Work programs attend the prom. The night is a highlight of the school year for many of the students.
Optimist Olympics
The Optimist Olympics for students with sensory impairments is held at York College each year by the Optimist Club.
Student Bazaars
Students who receive services from School-to-Work/Job Training Services establish a mini-business each year where they make and sell products. One of the purposes of the mini-business program is to teach foundational skill acquisition through authentic experiences. To assist in assessing the mastery of those foundation skills the IU13 sponsors semi-annual mini-business bazaars in both Lancaster and Lebanon counties. This program provides students with valuable work skills and a basic understanding of marketing, advertising and sales.
These winter and spring events are open to students in IU13-operated programs, district-operated programs, and the public.