English Language Development (K-12)
The education of students identified as English Learners is the responsibility of every school district/charter school.
Pennsylvania requires the school district/charter school to provide a program for every student identified as an English Learner (EL). The IU13 English Language Development (ELD) team offers a wide range of supports and unique offerings including workshops, instructional tools, professional learning opportunities, customized on-site assistance, and network groups that focus on assisting districts in meeting the specific needs of English Learners.
Professional Development and Services
IU13 is available to provide professional development, technical assistance, and coaching to district English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, classroom teachers, and administrators related to topics such as ESL levels, supporting ELs in the regular classroom, ACCESS testing, and ESL regulations.
ELD Services and Technical Assistance
- Full- or partial-day professional development sessions
- On-site instructional coaching for ESL or classroom teachers
- District ELD program review
- Customized consulting based on the needs of individual districts or schools
ELD Administrators’ Collaborative
This collaborative has quarterly meetings to provide a forum for all IU13 districts to participate in timely ELD discussions. Districts are invited to send ELD administrators to these meetings. A range of topics is included in each meeting’s agenda and may include: Pennsylvania Department of Education Updates, Professional Learning Opportunities, State Requirements for ELD Programs, Local Program Review, Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives, and other pertinent topics provided by the group.
ELD Professional Learning Community (PLC)
During monthly dinner meetings, 1-2 ESL teachers from each district come together to collaborate about ELD best practices and regulations. The agenda for these meetings is built around the needs of the group; teachers bring their own questions and topics for discussion during the open agenda. ESL teachers appreciate the opportunity to network with others from districts across IU13.
Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 Title III Consortium
IU13 provides leadership as the Local Educational Agency (LEA) for the Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 Title III Consortium. Title III Consortium services include writing the Title III Consortium Grant; planning and facilitating the group meetings; providing funds for supplementary materials, translation, and interpretation services; professional learning; and technical assistance for our member districts.
For more information, please call 717-606-1809 or email Literacy.