Workplace Services - IU13
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Serving education, businesses, and the community.

Training for Your Employees

“Employers overwhelmingly report increased profits and other bottom-line benefits when their employees gain basic skills that enable them to work more effectively,” according to a report by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education. The report goes on to say that “more than 40 percent of the U.S. workforce does not have the basic skills to do their job.”

For more than 15 years, the IU13 Community Education Program has been offering Central PA’s employers cost-effective, customized, on-site education and training programs for workers. Customers have included Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, RR Donnelley Printing, Country Meadows Retirement Communities, Dart Container, New Choices, and High Industries, to name a few. IU13’s on-site instructors teach employees language, math, reading, writing, and/or communication skills.

Find out how your business can benefit from our classes and workshops:

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Learn more about how IU13 Workforce Education is helping Central PA businesses here!

Workforce Training Solutions

Explore the training solutions below which are frequently requested by local employers, or contact us for specialized services to meet your business needs.

  • English as a Second Language – Targeted instruction is available to help workers with limited English language skills improve communication skills in the workplace.
  • Foundation Skills – Training is designed for employees who need to acquire, or brush up on, basic skills such as math, reading comprehension, workplace communication, problem-solving, and technical writing.
  • GED Preparation – Training sessions are designed for individuals who desire to obtain a High School Equivalency (HSE) Certificate or review high school material prior to attending a college or university program.
  • Workplace Spanish Instruction – Training will help managers and others communicate more effectively with Spanish-speaking employees. Common workplace language is emphasized, and participants are encouraged to bring specific communication issues to class.
  • Workplace Cultural Navigation – Cultural navigation for the workplace is designed to help refugees and immigrants successfully integrate into life in the United States. Cultural Navigators are IU13 employees who speak a variety of refugee-/immigrant-specific languages that work on-site or remotely with eligible employees and leadership staff to connect employees to essential community resources, communicate workplace information, provide cultural training to leadership and staff, and more. 
  • Employer Engagement Program(EEP) is designed to support employers who want to hire refugees.IU13 Community Education has partnered with Church World Service, and the Literacy Council of Lancaster-Lebanon to support pipelines for employment, professional development pathways, and tailored employer programs. Find out more here!

Classes are also available for individuals to enhance their job skills – view more here.

In addition to direct training for employees and employers, we offer training manuals created specifically for the needs of individual customers. View samples from student and teacher training manuals developed for Cescaphe, a catering company in Philadelphia, here: Student Guide / Teacher Guide

Explore Workplace Services