IU Select Data Manager - IU13
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IU Select Data Manager

What is IU Select Data Manager?

Many years ago the PennData submission involved locking ourselves in the office for long hours processing the files and correcting errors.  In an effort to save time and meet tighter timelines, IU 13’s Application Development Team built IU Select Data Manager, a web-based application that allows Intermediate Units to automate the processing of PIMS Special Education (PennData) files.  This application has given districts the ability to get immediate feedback on the files they submit, saving time for them and for the IU staff.  It has helped us provide better customer service to our districts, giving us time to answer questions rather than process all the files.

Why should IUs use IU Select Data Manager? 

  • Considerably reduces IU staff members involvement
  • Significantly decreases time spent on data spot checking for districts
  • Identifies duplicates between SDM users statewide.
  • Provides higher levels of customer service by focusing on the advanced level tasks and questions from districts
  • Easily accesses district status
  • Automatically combines files for streamline submissions to Penn State

IU Select Data Manager Technical Features:  

File Uploads

  • Upload files securely over https, not by email
  • Retrieve immediate feedback on errors and duplicates
  • Submit files anytime 24/7
  • Use Standard PIMS submission templates

Comparison to last year’s files

  • Allows for comparison of current submissions with the prior year submissions at upload time
  • Provides the template for districts to respond to comparison differences immediately


  • IU Select Data Manager can be branded with an IU logo, personalizing the home screen.

Additionally, IU13 Will Provide:

  • Training for IU staff
  • Updates to the system for PDE template changes and new error checks
  • Hosting of the application
  • Support to the IU with any technical issues
  • Populate location information from EdNA


  • Initial fee including set-up, branding, and training:  $1,000
  • Annual subscription:  $3,000

To learn more about IU Select Data Manager, please contact Jessica Diller at jessica_diller@iu13.org or call 717-606-1770.