Earn Industry Credentials in HS - IU13
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Serving education, businesses, and the community.

Students studying for industry credentials

Investing in Futures: Micro-Scholarships for Students in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties

Arconic Foundation logo

We’re thrilled to showcase the impactful outcomes of the IU13 Micro-scholarships for Industry-recognized Credentials, sponsored by the Arconic Foundation over the past two years. This initiative has played a pivotal role in enhancing career readiness and educational achievement among high school students across Lancaster and Lebanon counties.

What is an industry-recognized credential?

An industry-recognized credential is a certification that validates an individual’s skills and capabilities in a specific industry or profession. These credentials encompass technical and workplace skills, issued by industry or professional groups based on established standards. They are designed to help individuals advance their careers and earning potential.

Program Accomplishments

Students applied for micro-scholarships ranging from $200 to $1,000 to independently pursue industry credentials, attend local Career and Technology Centers (CTCs), or enroll in certification classes alongside their peers. This hands-on experience has equipped them with essential skills necessary for their future careers.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Arconic Foundation for their generous support. Their funding has not only provided financial assistance but also demonstrated their belief in the potential of every student in our community. Looking forward, we remain dedicated to expanding the impact of this program in the Lancaster and Lebanon area. By investing in our students’ futures, we are cultivating a skilled and resilient workforce that will drive the growth and innovation of our communities.


Sponsorship Opportunities

If you would like to join us in supporting our students and their future career opportunities by donating to the Micro-scholarship Fund, or for more information on the project, please complete the sponsorship/more information form found on our sponsorship information page or email Stephanie Fyock (717-606-1809) or scholarship@iu13.org.

Together, we can create a lasting impact in the lives of young people across Lancaster and Lebanon counties.


Nondiscrimination Policy: Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, ethnicity, national origin or age.