Early Head Start – Lancaster
Early Head Start is a federally funded community-based program for low-income pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers. Its mission is to enhance the development of very young children, and to promote healthy family functioning.
- Who is eligible? Children ages birth to 3 are eligible for Early Head Start. These programs are income-based programs, set according to the Federal Poverty Guidelines, and are free to eligible families. Please see the individual program descriptions below for more specific eligibility details.
Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships Program
This opportunity is available for income-eligible families who are employed or in school, and serves children from age 0 until they turn 3. This program provides:
- FREE child care (including meals and diapers)
- Educational activities to help children learn and grow
- Help getting families community services and medical/dental care
- Support and tools for the child’s first and most important teacher – Mom, Dad, and/or Guardian!
Contact us for more information about the Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships Program, including eligibility and locations, at EarlyHeadStart@iu13.org or call 717-947-1740.
- View/download our brochure.
Early Head Start Home-Based Program
This program offers families weekly 90-minute in-home visits by home visitors who “walk alongside” parents in preparing their child for school success. Recognizing that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher, our home visitors support parents/guardians in the areas of child development, nutrition, and health and community services. In addition, home visitors include a parent/child activity in each visit.
Pregnant mothers and children up to three years old are eligible for Early Head Start Home-Based Services. To apply for the Early Head Start Home-Based Program, a family must qualify for income eligibility according to the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This program is free to eligible families.
IU13 offers Early Head Start Home-Based Services to eligible residents living in Lancaster County, with a focus on the following school districts: Ephrata Area School District, School District of Lancaster, Manheim Central School District, and Penn Manor School District.
Contact us for more information about the Early Head Start Home-Based Program, including eligibility, at EarlyHeadStart@iu13.org or call 717-947-1740.
- View/download our brochure (English/Spanish).
For information on additional Lancaster County resources, please visit the Community Action Partnership website.
Please complete this pre-application and our team will contact you to discuss options. (NOTE: This link will take you to a third-party website to complete the pre-application.)