Selecting Evidence-Based Strategy(ies)
Evidence-Based Strategies are instructional practices, strategies, programs, and interventions that have been shown through rigorous evaluation to be effective at improving outcomes.
Evidence requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) are designed to ensure that states, districts, and schools can identify programs, practices, products, and policies that work across various populations and have produced results. Important note: schools that are designated as CSI are only permitted to use school improvement funds to support the implementation of ESSA Tier 1, 2, or 3 evidence-based strategies.
The guiding questions and resources below can help in the selection of evidence-based strategies.
Where can a school team explore evidence-based strategies?
There are a number of clearinghouses and resources that a school team may want to explore depending on the priorities of a school plan. The Pennsylvania Evidence Resource Center (ERC) provides a great starting point for exploration. A school team may also want to explore beyond the ERC. The links found here provide access to both clearinghouses and topic-specific evidence-based toolkits.
Is there a tool that school teams can use to work through the selection process on their own or with support from a school improvement facilitator?
The ESSA Action Guide: Selecting Evidence-Based Practices for Low-Performing Schools from AIR is an easy-to-navigate toolkit for both school teams and school improvement facilitators. Additionally, this IRIS module provides an asynchronous learning opportunity to support a school team in expanding their knowledge and selection of an evidence-based practice.
Where can a team learn more about the ESSA Tiers?
The ERC provides a number of resources on the Learn page for additional support.
The school team has reached a point where they may need to decide between similar strategies. How can a facilitator support working through this decision-making process?
The NIRN Hexagon Discussion Analysis Tool v2.2 is a valuable resource in this instance.

Do you have a resource to share that aligns with this part of the planning process that you have found valuable? CLICK HERE to share for possible inclusion on this website.