Root Cause Analysis - IU13
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Root Cause Analysis

The needs assessment is a systematic process that is used to identify strengths and weaknesses within the context and constraints of the organization and dig deeper into root causes (Corbett & Redding, 2017). The needs assessment “goes beyond student data to include data on the prevalence of effective practices, it includes a thorough examination of practices, processes, and routines.” A root cause analysis is also part of the needs assessment process.

Determining the root causes of a challenge is a critical part of the school improvement process. By addressing the system of interconnected factors that are impacting the school, meaningful change can be accomplished.


The guiding questions and resources below can help in the facilitation of a root cause analysis process with the school.

What are some tools or methods for conducting root cause analysis?

The links below will lead you to resources to learn more about methods and tools for effective root cause analysis.


Do you have a resource to share that aligns with this part of the planning process that you have found valuable? CLICK HERE to share for possible inclusion on this website.


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