Professional Development
In any improvement or transformation work there is a need to ensure that professional learning and development are provided to support the identified priorities.
School teams are encouraged to deeply consider the Essential Practices within the condition of Foster Quality Professional Learning as they draft the professional development plan for the school.
The guiding questions and resources below can help in the creation and evaluation of professional learning.
What are elements of effective, evidence-based teacher professional learning?
This resource from the Learning Policy Institute provides key features to discuss when planning and implementing effective professional learning.
Are there additional resources to consider regarding professional learning and human capital for continuous improvement?
Yes! Educator “human capital” encompasses all the work schools do to ensure that students are learning with effective teachers—as well as school leaders, counselors, paraprofessionals, substitutes, etc. Major topics within human capital include educator recruitment, hiring, placement, induction, development, career ladders, and retention. On this page, you can identify resources relevant to your needs that are organized both by topic and by type of resource (e.g., strategy brief, webinar, or toolkit).
Do you have a resource to share that aligns with this part of the planning process that you have found valuable? CLICK HERE to share for possible inclusion on this website.