Fast Facts
Discover more about the work of IU13 here! These “fast facts” provide an overview of IU13 facts and figures from the prior school year.
Explore some highlights below or download a copy. Version for online view. Version for print.
- Facilities/Staff/Funding
- Serving Young Learners
- Serving School-Age Learners
- Serving Adult Learners
- Serving Educators & Administrators
- Serving School Districts
- Serving Community, Region & State
- IU13 Offices & Classrooms
IU13 Facilities, Staff, and Funding
Staff: 1,702` including:
- Teachers/Professionals: 535 • Classroom Support: 439 • Community Education: 46 • Non-Instructional: 281 • Substitutes: 300+ • PaTTAN: 90
Total 2024-25 Budget: $232,397,253<
Budget Breakdown by Strategic Business Unit (SBU)/Service Support Unit (SSU):<
- Admin./Management Services $ 4,161,182
- Community Education $ 4,773,374
- Teaching and Learning Collaborative $ 2,409,996
- Early Learners $ 9,498,341
- Early Intervention $ 30,753,796
- Student Services $ 11,619,239
- Special Education Classroom Services $ 55,141,706
- Itinerant Solutions $ 31,494,006
- Pass-thru Funds Administration $ 19,554,414
- Regional Technology Solutions $ 20,818,594
- PaTTAN $ 31,388,955
- Statewide Projects $ 4,600,771
- Educational Technology $ 6,182,879
- Operations and Infrastructure (SSU) $ 26,169,964
- Internal Service Funds-Benefits (SSU) $ 26,076,241
(Programs and services are organized into 13 Strategic Business Units (SBU) and 2 Service Support Units (SSU). SSUs support the work of SBUs; as a result, SSU expenditures are also reflected within each SBU’s expenditures.)
Funding Sources:<
Local Sources 20% | State Sources 27% | Federal Sources 28% | Special Education Consortia 25%
`As of September 24, bulleted breakdown does not include daily substitutes & Extended School Year (ESY) staff | <as of 9/24
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Serving Young Learners
- Preschool Early Intervention: 3,793 children served (ages 3-5); 125,052 hours of service provided
- Head Start/PA Pre-K Counts: 302 children served (ages 3-5)
- Early Head Start/Child Care Partnership Program: 292 children (ages birth-3)
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Serving School-Age Learners
- Pregnant/Parenting Student Program (ELECT): 55 students served
- Nonpublic School Services: 44 different schools served
- 921* students served in Reading • 802* in Math • 1,003* in Speech & Language
- 24,425 times students served by Nonpublic School Counselors
- Special Education Classrooms: 97, serving 738 students
- Including Autistic Support, Emotional Support, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Support, Diagnostic Kindergarten, Life Skills Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, and School-to-Work
- Itinerant Services: 4,406 students*
- Job Training Services: 2,401* students served (through internships, job placements, and work readiness)
- Student Enrichment Experience (SEE) Seminars: 1,300 students* participated
- Online and Blended Learning Courses/Services: students from 20 schools/districts; 24,497 course enrollments*
- Partial Hospitalization Program: 59 students served
- IU13 STEM for All Program: 41 classrooms served, 1 special education classroom (from IU13) received honorable mention at the Governor’s STEM Competition
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Serving Adult Learners
- Students Served: 1,231
- Employment, Job Retention, High School Equivalency (HSE) Attainment, and Transition to Post-secondary Education
- Family Literacy: 40 families supported
- Citizenship Classes: Served 50 adults in 8 classes
- Micro-Credentials: 55 completed programs including Administrative Support Professional, Direct Care Provider, and Teacher Assistant
- Dedicated Community Education Centers: Opened 2 new adult education centers (Lancaster and Lebanon counties)
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Serving Educators & Administrators
- Events: 1,701 events for 52,000 attendees
- Instructional Media Services (IMS): Served 6,000 educators and 90,000 students
- EbD-TEEMS STEM Education: Served 80 districts, 160 teachers, and 4,000 students
- STEELS Institute: 56 district participants
- Technical Assistance through PaTTAN: 1,400+ events and 4,992 hours of service provided
- Special Requests Supported by PaTTAN: 122 Comprehensive, 59 Systemic, 42 Critical, 40 Emergent, and 147 Professional Development
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Serving School Districts
- Extended School Year (ESY): 458 students referred to IU13 for ESY services
- High-Speed Internet: 32 public school districts, nonpublic, parochial, and charter schools served
- IDEA: Administered $13.1M in pass-thru IDEA special education funds for local districts
- Job-alike & Professional Learning Communities: 20 different groups focused on supporting school districts and their staff
- Single Audit: “No findings” in single audit of $55.9M
- Northern Education Center: Opened center in Nothern Lebanon County to expand services for area students
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Serving Community, Region, and State
- CAFCO Food Service Program: 94 participating districts in 14 counties
- Community Closet: Provided space to local clothing bank to support northern Lebanon county families
- Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Team: 122 schools and 113,000 students served
- Fingerprinting: 509 served to meet hiring requirements for school employment
- Flight Team Support: provided 12 days of onsite crisis support to local districts
- Grant Services: $2.33M received to support IU13 programs and services, school districts, adult learners, and community partners
- National Autism Conference: 1,500 participants (educators, parents, and students)
- Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness (OTDA): Administered statewide program for PDE, resulting in 14,000+ students served and $33K+ in grant funding for 18 schools
- Refugee Center: 1,200 clients served, 30 languages spoken
- School Safety: Co-facilitated Community Conversations on School Safety with PDE; lead trauma-informed school leadership events for 27 school entities
- Statewide Projects Team (for PDE): 762 LEAs supported in Data/PVAAS Professional Learning Services with 3,758 attendees; 36 education research projects for PDE; 762 LEAs supported through the PIMS-PVAAS Data Collection and Forums
- Statewide Software Sales: $18.3M+ in sales
- Tech Talk Live: Conference for tech administrators working in an educational setting, 187+ schools attended
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IU13 Offices & Classrooms
IU13 serves the Lancaster & Lebanon county region and beyond. In addition to three main offices (Lancaster, Lebanon, and PaTTAN-Harrisburg), IU13 operates classrooms in its center-based locations to provide direct services to students of all ages. IU13 classrooms are also hosted in schools within local school districts or community-based locations. Beyond classrooms, IU13 staff serve students in many other local settings, including nonpublic schools, agencies, preschools, child-care centers, and even homes
IU13 Main Offices:
- IU13 Lancaster County Office
- IU13 Lebanon County Office
- PaTTAN-Harrisburg
IU13 Centers:
- Central Education Center (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Northern Education Center (Early Childhood and School-age)
- White Oak Early Learning Center (Early Childhood)
- School-based Partial Hospitalization Program (School-age)
- Center for Community Education at Burle (Adult Classes/Services)
- Community Education at Chestnut Street (Adult Classes/Services)
IU13 Classrooms within School Districts: 97 classes
- Annville-Cleona (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Cocalico (School-age)
- Conestoga Valley (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Cornwall-Lebanon (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Donegal (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Eastern Lebanon County (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Elizabethtown Area (School-age)
- Ephrata Area (School-age)
- Hempfield (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Lampeter-Strasburg (School-age)
- Lancaster (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Lebanon (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Manheim Central (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Manheim Township (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Northern Lebanon (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Palmyra Area (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Penn Manor (School-age)
- Pequea Valley (School-age)
- Solanco (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Warwick (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Lancaster County CTC (Itinerant school-age support)
- Lebanon County CTC (Itinerant school-age support)
- Nonpublic Schools (44 schools receiving IU13 services)
Community-Based Locations & Programs:
- Early Head Start and Head Start (Varied locations and homes)
- Juniper Village Work Immersion (School-age)
- Lancaster Behavioral Health Hospital (School-age)
- Lancaster Intensive Day Treatment (School-age)
- Lancaster-Lebanon Virtual Solutions (LLVS) (20 school district partners)
- Lebanon Correctional Facility (School-age)
- Lebanon Early Childhood (Myerstown) (Early Childhood)
- Masonic Village Work Immersion (School-age)
- Moravian Manor Work Immersion (School-age)
- Preschool Early Intervention (Varied child care centers/preschools/homes)
- Project SEARCH (Lancaster) (School-age)
- Refugee Center (Lancaster) (Varied services for students & adults)
- School-to-Work at Burle (Lancaster) (School-age)
- School-to-Work at Lebanon Valley College (School-age)
- Willow Valley Work Immersion (School-age)