Fast Facts
Discover more about the work of IU13 here! These “fast facts” provide an overview of IU13 facts and figures from the 2022-23 school year.
Explore some highlights below or download a copy. Version for online view. Version for print.
- Facilities/Staff/Funding
- Serving Young Learners
- Serving School-Age Learners
- Serving Adult Learners
- Serving Educators & Administrators
- Serving School Districts
- Serving Community, Region & State
- IU13 Offices & Classrooms
IU13 Facilities, Staff, and Funding
Staff: 1,373` including:
- Teachers/Professionals: 458 • Classroom Support: 468 • Community Education: 41 • Non-Instructional: 316 • PaTTAN: 90
Total 2022-23 Budget: $217,317,382<
Budget Breakdown by Strategic Business Unit (SBU)/Service Support Unit (SSU):<
- Administrative & Management Services $3,663,500
- Community Education $3,912,520
- Teaching and Learning Collaborative $8,522,976
- Early Learners $39,167,138
- Student Services $10,788,726
- Special Education Classroom Services $48,685,415
- Itinerant Solutions $29,993,496
- Pass-thru Funds Administration $18,314,184
- Statewide Initiatives $33,617,197
- Regional Technology Solutions $20,652,230
- Operations and Infrastructure (SSU) $27,794,671
- Internal Service Funds-Benefits (SSU) $22,334,380
(Programs and services are organized into 10 Strategic Business Units (SBU) and 2 Service Support Units (SSU). SSUs support the work of SBUs; as a result, SSU expenditures are also reflected within each SBU’s expenditures.)
Funding Sources:<
Local Sources 23% | State Sources 28% | Federal Sources 27% | Special Education Consortia 22%
`As of September 23, bulleted breakdown does not include daily substitutes & Extended School Year (ESY) staff | <as of 9/23
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Serving Young Learners
- Preschool Early Intervention: 3,296 children served (ages 3-5); 118,000 hours of service provided
- Head Start/PA Pre-K Counts: 352 children served (ages 3-5)
- Early Head Start/Child Care Partnership Program: 298 children (ages birth-3)
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Serving School-Age Learners
- Pregnant/Parenting Student Program (ELECT): 57 students served
- Nonpublic School Services: 45 different schools served
- 638* students served in Reading • 557* in Math • 382* in Speech & Language
- 5,400 times students served by Nonpublic School Counselors
- Special Education Classrooms: 100, serving 1,087 students
- Including Autistic Support, Emotional Support, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Support, Diagnostic Kindergarten, Life Skills Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, and School-to-Work
- Itinerant Services: 6,079 students*
- Job Training Services: 2,464* students served (through internships, job placements, and work readiness)
- Student Enrichment Experience (SEE) Seminars: 1,300 students* participated
- Online and Blended Learning Courses/Services: students from 25 schools/districts; 29,553 course enrollments*
- Partial Hospitalization Program: 114 students served
- IU13 STEM for All Program: 1 special education class (from IU13) was the grand prize winner for the ITEEA Competition; 1 special education class (from IU13) received honorable mention at the Governor’s STEM Competition; and 1 special education class (from IU13) received honorable mention at the PennDOT Innovation Challenge.
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Serving Adult Learners
- Students Served: 1,052
- Employment, Job Retention, High School Equivalency (HSE) Attainment, and Transition to Post-secondary Education
- Family Literacy: 41 families supported
- Citizenship Classes: Served 191 adults in 7 classes
- Micro-Credentials: 79 completed programs including Administrative Support Professional, Direct Care Provider, and Teacher Assistant
- Lebanon Youth Program: 114 students served (33 found employment, 37 placed in training
programs, and 70 attained credentials)
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Serving Educators & Administrators
- Events: IU13 supported events for 50,900 attendees
- Instructional Media Services (IMS): Served 6,000 educators and 90,000 students
- Leveraging EbD-TEEMS to Scale STEM: 14 districts, 290+ teachers, 4,400+ students
- PA Information Management System (PIMS) Consulting: Provided 1,000 hours of consultation to assist school districts in meeting student-level data reporting to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)
- Technical Assistance through PaTTAN: 18,890 hours of assistance, 326 trainings, and 18,645 people served
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Serving School Districts
- Personalized Learning Academy (PLA): 116 educators participated
- High-Speed Internet: 30 public school districts, nonpublic, parochial, and charter schools served
- IDEA: Administered $12.3M in pass-thru IDEA special education funds for local districts
- Single Audit: “No findings” in single audit of $513.6M
- Extended School Year Program: 436 students referred to IU13 for ESY services (IU13 classrooms only)
- Support to Conestoga Valley School District During Construction: Served as home to 300+ 8th Grade students during construction delays
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Serving Community, Region, and State
- CAFCO Food Service Program: 63 participating districts in 11 counties (increase of +6)
- Statewide Projects Team (for PDE): 762 LEAs supported in Data/PVAAS Professional Learning Services;
22 education research projects for PDE - Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Team: 122 schools and 113,000 students served
- Statewide Software Sales: $16.5M+ in sales
- Tech Talk Live: Conference for tech administrators working in an educational setting, 160+ schools attended
- Refugee Center: 1,322 clients served, 45 languages spoken
- Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness (OTDA): Administered statewide program for PDE, resulting in 10,000+ students served and $25K+ in grant funding for 18 schools
- Grant Services: Nearly $2M received to support IU13 programs and services, school districts, adult learners, and community partners
- Fingerprinting: 250 served to meet hiring requirements for school employment
- Pennsylvania Value Added Assessment System (PVAAS) Professional Learning Services: 459 LEAs
supported with 7,374 attendees, as well as 776 LEAs supported through the PIMS-PVAAS Data Collection
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IU13 Offices & Classrooms
IU13 serves the Lancaster & Lebanon county region and beyond. In addition to three main offices (Lancaster, Lebanon, and PaTTAN-Harrisburg), IU13 operates classrooms in its center-based locations to provide direct services to students of all ages. In addition, 100 IU13 classrooms are hosted in schools within local school districts or community-based locations. Beyond classrooms, IU13 staff serve students in many other local settings, including nonpublic schools, agencies, preschools, child-care centers, and even homes.
- IU13 Lancaster County Office
- IU13 Lebanon County Office
- PaTTAN-Harrisburg
IU13 Centers:
- Central Education Center (Early Childhood: 5; School-age: 17)
- Northern Education Center (TBD)
- Community School West (School-age: 4)
- School-based Partial Hospitalization Program (School-age: 2)
- Lancaster Intensive Day Treatment (School-age: 2)
- Lancaster School-to-Work at Burle (School-age: 2)
- Center for Community Education at Burle (Varied classes/services for adults)
IU13 Classrooms within School Districts: 100 classes
- Annville-Cleona (Early Childhood)
- Cocalico (School-age)
- Columbia Borough (School-age)
- Conestoga Valley (School-age)
- Cornwall-Lebanon (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Donegal (School-age)
- Eastern Lebanon County (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Elizabethtown Area (School-age)
- Ephrata Area (School-age)
- Hempfield (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Lampeter-Strasburg (School-age)
- Lancaster (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Lebanon (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Manheim Central (School-age)
- Manheim Township (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Northern Lebanon (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Palmyra Area (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Penn Manor (School-age)
- Pequea Valley (School-age)
- Solanco (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Warwick (Early Childhood and School-age)
- Lancaster County CTC (Itinerant support)
- Lebanon County CTC (Itinerant support)
- Nonpublic Schools (43 schools receiving IU13 services)
Community-Based Locations & Programs:
- Early Head Start and Head Start (Varied locations and homes)
- Lancaster Behavioral Health Hospital (School-age)
- Lancaster-Lebanon Virtual Solutions (LLVS) (19 school district partners)
- Lebanon Correctional Facility (School-age)
- Lebanon Early Childhood (Myerstown) (Early Childhood)
- Masonic Village Work Immersion (School-age)
- Moravian Manor Work Immersion (School-age)
- Preschool Early Intervention (Varied child care centers/preschools/homes)
- Project SEARCH (Lancaster) (School-age)
- Refugee Center (Lancaster) (Varied services for students & adults)
- School-to-Work at Lebanon Valley College (School-age)
- Willow Valley Work Immersion (School-age)