LEA/District Leaders - IU13
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LEA/District Leaders

LEA/district administrators are accountable to serve schools throughout their organization.  LEA/district administrators create the conditions that make it possible for school teams to be more effective in leading school improvement.

PDE’s Theory of Action for School Improvement highlights the LEA’s responsibility to:

  • Establish effective, standards-aligned instructional programs;
  • Support schools and their communities in removing barriers to learning;
  • Customize support systems to meet school-level needs and context;
  • Implement data-informed human capital systems; and
  • Allocate resources based on the needs of individual school and their communities.

The resources included in this section serve to guide LEA/district administrators as they:

  1. Review, develop, or enhance district-wide systems and structures
  2. Directly support schools throughout the 6 phases of the Cycle of Continuous Improvement

LEA/District and school teams created meaningful improvement plans based on a significant needs assessment process.  Once implementation of the plans is occurring, it is vital to monitor progress. Multiple checkpoints are built into the cycle of continuous improvement to inform stakeholders of progress, success, and barriers. High-quality monitoring will allow schools and districts to determine if they are implementing the evidence-based strategies effectively, as well as whether they are on-track to accomplish their established measurable goals.

Routines are intended to support the implementation, monitoring, and adjustments of action plans.  The following resources are available to empower LEA/district leadership to establish and maintain a focused system for continuous improvement and ensure organizational coherence.  This system includes routines for monitoring the implementation and impact of both LEA/district comprehensive plans, and school improvement plans.

Opportunities for Leadership Growth*

Successful district teams develop a culture of trust, shared responsibility, and a growth-oriented team. Attention is placed on developing the capacity of central office and school administrators. (PA Essential Practices for LEA/Districts)

Available Services:

  • Small or large group professional learning opportunities focused on leadership
  • 1:1 leadership coaching
  • Community of Practice facilitation

Consider this support if:

  • Your LEA/district has one or more CSI designated schools.
  • Your district has experienced leadership turnover and you want to enhance the leadership capabilities of new leaders.
  • You want to retain your current leaders and teachers.
  • Personalized leadership support is a priority.
  • Offering a non-threatening collaborative learning opportunity focused on a specific topic is of interest to the leaders in your organization.

If you are interested in exploring this type of support for your district, please complete this FORM, and a member of the Statewide Team for School Improvement will be in contact with you.  *This opportunity is available to a limited number of leaders from CSI schools or their district administrators.

LEA/District Routine Development*

Effective LEA/District teams engage in formal routines to ensure implementation and impact of both comprehensive plans and school improvement plans. These routines allow teams to monitor effectiveness and know when adjustments are needed. Routines provide organizational coherence and maintain a system focused on continuous improvement.  (PA Essential Practices for LEA/Districts)

Available Services:

  • Consulting with district administrators to explore current routines and develop systems based on current status.
  • Collaborating with district administrators to develop routines for monitoring district level plan implementation and impact.
  • Collaborating with district administrators to develop routines for monitoring school level plan implementation and impact.

Consider this support if you:

  • Your LEA/district has one or more CSI designated schools.
  • Implementing comprehensive plans and monitoring the impact of those plan is a high priority for your LEA/district team.
  • Your LEA/district doesn’t yet have systems in place to monitor implementation or impact of comprehensive plans.
  • As a district team you would like to develop organizational coherence and understand the implementation status of all school improvement plans.
  • As a district team you would like to develop a system for monitoring the impact of school improvement plans.
  • Supporting school teams to address barriers to implementing their school improvement plans is a high priority for your team.

If you are interested in exploring this type of support for your district, please complete this FORM, and a member of the Statewide Team for School Improvement will be in contact with you.   *This opportunity is available to a limited number of LEA/district that have at least one CSI designated school.